This team of bad ass entrepreneurs and healthy lifestyle lovers choose Amsterdam because it is their home. A city where many cultures and cuisines come together and where people lead busy live and like to eat out or order for home.
Behrooz Tanori en Hein vermanen want to show that a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating can be fun and easy.
Hein Vermanen is a die hard entrepreneur who likes to start projects from scratch. His entrepreneurial career starts when he develops an extensive network in more than forty countries as a network marketer. After this he shifts towards the financial world and sets up a number of companies that he continuously expands.
Meanwhile, Hein is an avid sportsman and develops a passion for nutrition. If you want to live healthy, you have to eat healthy. That healthy lifestyle is not only good for your body, but also for the mind. From this passion he starts a new entrepreneurial adventure together with his friends Behrooz Tanori and Boy Michaelidis.
The idea begins to take shape as he spars with Behrooz about a venture they believe doesn’t exist yet. A place where you can eat healthy, but not boring. After two years, the ideas of the two friends have become concrete and, together with a third partner Boy, they open Dam Tasty on the Zeilstraat in Amsterdam.
Entrepreneurship and sport, is what Behrooz Tanori’s working life is all about. He combined his sports background (Central Institute for Training Sports Leaders and Sports Marketing) with entrepreneurship early on. He sets up his own online coaching and personal training company. He knows this is what he loves and ever since he is subsequently involved in various projects and new companies.
A healthy lifestyle includes a healthy diet. But in Amsterdam, he noticed there isn’t a place where you could find place that offers healthy, but also fast and, above all, tasty food.
Together with his friend Hein Vermanen, he starts dreaming about his own business and they develop their plans into Dam Tasty. A place where guests can enjoy healthy meals without being boring. Nice and funky, colorful and healthy. Together with Boy Michaelidis they made it happen.